First Aid at Work Requalification

01249 569690

First aid at Work Requalification

This can be attended as blended - part online study, contact us for more details

Practising first aid

Course content:

To act safely, promptly and effectively in an emergency

- Understand the role of a first aider

- Provide First Aid on an unresponsive casualty in relation to;

- Placing someone into the recovery position

- Performing CPR on a manikin and use the AED

- Recognise and administer First Aid to someone having a seizure                                           

- Provide first aid to a casualty who is choking

- Provide first aid to a casualty with an external bleed

- Provide first aid to a casualty in shock

- Provide first aid for minor injuries such as cuts, grazes, bruises, splinters

- Provide first aid for burns and scalds 

- Provide first aid for eye injuries - dust chemical embedded

- Provide first aid Injuries to bones, muscles and joints

- Recognise & treat major illness - heart attack, stroke, epilepsy, asthma & diabetes

- Provide first aid for poisoning

- Recognise and treat a casualty who has anaphylaxis

- Conduct a secondary survey (head to toe check)

- Provide first aid for and head and spinal injuries

- Provide first aid for hypothermia, heat exhaustion, heat stroke

Maximum course numbers

In-house courses require a minimum of 4 candidates and a maximum of 24 candidates (provided there is enough room). 2 trainers will be provided for larger number.
EpiPen in leg
Glasses on a newspaper

The cost:

"Most positive aspect was the trainer's teaching style - thorough knowledge, articulate and friendly presentation. Excellent course - will definitely recommend"

Rosie Wilcock - Styling by Rosie Personal Trainer

First aid at work courses can be delivered at your workplace across the Wiltshire area, or a venue arranged by us.

Call for more information on 01249 569 690

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